Well we taped this show over two weeks ago and we're just posting it now. Long story but new audio problems which we tried to fix. Ignore, they will be fixed for the next show. Just enjoy this episode's sampling of fine malt beverage.
Wow, it's been one year and we've literally have accomplished nothing by doing this podcast. I guess that's what happens when you have a show about bullshitting and drinking 40's.
Show number #9 the anniversary show is here. Once again, the show gets better as co-host Jason gets way fucked up off of his 8.1% Hurricane HG malt liquor.
Orange County malt liquor, show time limit, and new mics = good show. Thanks to Miller Brewing Company for getting me fucked up. Thanks to the State of California for making our show classy.
Show number seven was sort of a disaster. We forgot to give our "brown paper bag" rating until after we stopped recording the show. Take our word for it, these weren't the best 40's.
Yes we're back can you believe it! 6 months later but we're back and to help us shake the rust off we have a guest on the show. Come listen to the show as we interview Misfit from, "The White Rapper Show" on VH1